Blazing Apostles...

Just 2 believers - Dave & Elaine

March 22, 2023 Just 2 Believers - Dave & Elaine
Just 2 believers - Dave & Elaine
Blazing Apostles...
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Blazing Apostles...
Just 2 believers - Dave & Elaine
Mar 22, 2023
Just 2 Believers - Dave & Elaine

Check out our Intro podcast, Blazing Apostles! Join hosts Dave and Elaine as they discuss different aspects of Christian living, focusing on the need to read the Bible! #BlazingApostles #BackToBasics #ChristianLiving #Podcast #Faith #Prayer

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Show Notes Transcript

Check out our Intro podcast, Blazing Apostles! Join hosts Dave and Elaine as they discuss different aspects of Christian living, focusing on the need to read the Bible! #BlazingApostles #BackToBasics #ChristianLiving #Podcast #Faith #Prayer

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or use this link: backtobasicschristianliving | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

[00:11] Dave: Oh, welcome to the podcast. This is Dave.

[00:15] Elaine: And I'm Elaine.

[00:17] Dave: And we are blazing apostles. So welcome to our new podcast, Correct It. Here we go with the intro. This is our intro podcast. And say hi to everybody.

[00:49] Elaine: Hi, everyone.

[00:51] Dave: Welcome to the Blazing Apostle. So who are we? So I'm Dave.

[00:56] Elaine: And I'm Elaine.

[00:57] Dave: You are? Introduce yourself.

[01:01] Elaine: Hi, I'm Elaine. I'm married to Dave.

[01:06] Dave: I'm married to Dave. That's all you want to tell everybody about yourself? Well, it's a Christian podcast. Obviously, that's how you found us. And we're just going to try and give you a brief explanation of why we're doing this and why we think it's important to do it at this day and time. Back to Basic Christian Living is where you'll find our website and more about us. More than just, hi, my name is Elaine. I'm out of Dave. Yeah, so if you want to know more about us, more than we'll explain now in this podcast, go to Back to Basic Christian Living and find us there. We're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Eventually on Saturday conversations. But now we are here on our podcast. I'm also doing a podcast, the Outpost. Just me, but yeah, that'll be for another day. But here we're going to have a very conversational podcast, aren't we? Yeah, it's going to be very similar to Saturday conversations, which came about by having a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning. But this is going to be a little bit more teaching, really.

[02:17] Elaine: Yeah. And I think the thing is that every week we have a reason to say that people need to read the Bible. It's a continual thing that comes up every time we go for a coffee and every time we chat, and we just realize that it's important that people just don't read the Bible.

[02:36] Dave: Yeah. I mean, that's how Back to Basic Christian Living came about, isn't it? I've been a Christian for 40 years. You've been a Christian longer. And we just saw the need for people to get back to the Bible, get back to reading the Bible. A lot of people go to church, they bring the Bible with them or don't bring the Bible with them, and they just don't read it, and can't find verses that explain what they're believing. So that's how back to basic Christian living came about. We just got to encourage people to get back to reading the Bible.

[03:08] Elaine: And I think also we've seen as time has gone on, the more that people are using versus out of context. And because they're using versus out of context, they're coming up with bizarre sayings, which is very, very simple, that if you actually read the context, read what's gone before, it's very simple what that scripture actually means. And we've been a bit surprised at the lack of its very simple, the simplicity of Christ, how things have got so complicated.

[03:47] Dave: Yeah, you take things out of context, you come up with a different doctrine. Different theology? Yeah, it's right. We don't just encourage people to read the Bible, we encourage people to read the Bible correctly so that they rightly divide the word. Otherwise, your doctrine, theology, is totally wrong according to what the word teaches, and you end up believing a different Jesus and a different God. And if you look at the different churches that exist today, you see how that's come about by taking verses out of context and saying the same one thing. And they don't really say that if you read the context of them.

[04:25] Elaine: Yeah, but also talking to somebody the other week, and I was talking about how important it is to read the Bible, and they said, Well, I don't know where to start. I don't know where I pick up my Bible and I never know where to start. I never know what to read. And that is why we came up with the 40 days of actually sitting down, and reading so many chapters. In the next 40 days, if you read around about what we were saying about six chapters, then you can cover from Matthew to Jude in that period of time and just familiarize yourself with actually what the Bible says.

[05:08] Dave: Yeah, that's project three, five, six. You find that on our website. Back to basic Christian living. It's a great place to start. Start in the Gospels. We don't go all the way to revelation because revelation is a little bit trickier to understand. But if you read the New Testament, you are a New Testament believer is addressed to you. So, yeah, it's all right. The average is about six, or seven chapters. Sometimes it's five a day. Getting a habit of reading the Bible on a daily basis. And then you can recognize when the Bible is taught wrongly. You can recognize it because you've actually read the Bible for yourself. And you've understood the Scriptures in the context, in the verse where it's used before. Those simple Bible principles that you have to use when you read the Bible so you can understand it. And people say the Bible is hard to understand. It's not, it's a myth. 85%, maybe more percentage of the Bible is explained right where it's written. And people get all get bent out of shape by saying, oh, King James is hard to understand. Well, it's not. You're making it hard to understand by believing. It's hard to understand before you start. So that's not a good way to read the Bible. Just read it. It would help people born again. You've received Holy Spirit because that Holy Spirit can help you understand it as you read along each day. But it's consistently reading the Bible each and every day, which is the key. Okay, we're going to stop there and we'll catch up with you, up with you the next time here on Blazing Apostles. It's goodbye for me, Dave.

[06:45] Elaine: And it's goodbye for me, Elaine.