Blazing Apostles Podcast...

Blazing Apostles Podcast - Keswick

Just two believers - Dave & Elaine

Divine Intervention at the Bakehouse: A Testimony of Faith & Provision…

Welcome to the Blazing Apostles Podcast, where Dave and Elaine share their incredible journey of faith spanning over 40 years. In this episode, they recount a miraculous story from their days running the Shoebox Bakehouse in Southampton from Keswick, where they first met all those years ago.

Faced with a potentially devastating water leak that threatened to cost thousands of pounds, Dave and Elaine found themselves at a crossroads. But through prayer and unwavering faith, they witnessed an unexpected resolution that can only be described as divine intervention.

Listen as they detail how two subcontractors from the water board became unlikely agents of God's provision, solving their problem in just 15 minutes and at minimal cost. This testimony serves as a powerful reminder of how God takes care of those who trust in Him and pursue His calling for their lives.

Join Dave and Elaine as they explore the themes of faith, divine provision, and the importance of looking to God in times of crisis. Their story will inspire you to trust in God's guidance, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Tune in to Blazing Apostles for more uplifting testimonies of God's ongoing work in the lives of His faithful followers. Remember, as Dave and Elaine often say, "Look to Him, and He will take care of you."

Blazing Apostles Podcast - Keswick (

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Hi and God bless. Welcome to Blazing Apostles. My name is Dave. And my name's Elaine

This is our podcast where we're going to talk about testimonies. we've decided that our Blazing Apostles podcast should be more about how God interacts with us. Therefore, we're going to turn into.

a testimony podcast where we're going to share with you all the things that God has done for us over the last 40-odd years and not only has done things for us in the past but also is doing now in the present. A lot of people talk about God in the past a lot in their Christian lives and we will do that. But also we talk about God in the present, how God still is interacting with us and how he's still taking care of us as we pursue the calling he's put on our life.

within his will. So we're going to start our podcast under the banner of Blazing Apostles because that's what we feel we have been, been over the last 40 years. And we continue to be that in the present and also in the future.

Over 10 years ago, maybe 15 years ago, we stopped running our bakery that we had called the Shoebox Bakehouse. We had the vision of having a bakery together when we lived in Keswick over 40-odd years ago. And then 15 years ago, we left the bakery and we transitioned into a bus driver's canteen and then we moved up here. But some of the testimonies that we have happened to us in the bakery.

are amazing, and astounding, and they're not stories, they are God interacting with us, taking care of us as we pursue our calling. Yes, we did run a family bakery, it was our bakery called the Shoebox Bakehouse, and our girls worked with us and many other people worked with us in the time that we had it, we had it for about eight and a half years, and then we left it and moved on. So God took care of us in that situation because we came.

up against amazing obstacles that tried to stop us from moving forward and God met the needs that we had. So Elaine's going to share with you one of the things that happened. We have to be careful that we keep these testimonies short and one at a time or they can become a bit overwhelming. So we had somebody in from the water board because we were very concerned that our

consumption of water was massively high and they agreed with us so they came in to have a look in the bakery and chat with us and they told us that somewhere there had to be a leak from outside the front where the mains were through the bakery there had to be a leak somewhere and that's why we were using excessive water so our water bill was massive it was thousands a year.

So they told us that we were responsible for getting somebody in to sort the water leak out. So we asked some questions about what they're going to do, how they're going to do it. And he said, well, they may have to drill all the way through at the floor to find out where the leak is because nobody knew where the leak was or anything. And we were talking thousands and thousands of pounds. And...

Dave and I looked at each other. Number one, it's going to cost us thousands, which was a really big deal. And number two was they were going to have to drill through the bakery to find out where this leak was coming from and it had to be sorted. So, you know, we'd spoken about it for two or three days, what we're going to do, what we're going to do. And because we didn't have the money to pay for it. No, we had to have thousands to pay for it. And so one...

It was towards the end of the evening, the shop was shutting up. We still had this on our minds. We'd been praying about it and thinking about what we were going to do. Two guys were outside the shop and they'd lifted the water cover. And I went out and said, what are you doing? And they said, well, we're subcontractors from the water board. We've got to check that the water board, the leak isn't coming from the water board, which they don't think it is.

but they've sent us here to check it out. So I said, so I could see the water tap and underneath and he said, no, I'm sorry, love, you know, it isn't coming from here, it's coming from the bakery. And I'd said to these guys, did you want to come in and have a cup of tea? And so they came in, had a cup of tea and I offered them a cake and we were chatting and everything. And I said to them that, you know, we didn't know what we were going to do.

and I relayed the message back to Dave saying they've said that it's our fault, the water board had come to check it up and we were going to have to drill through. So Dave went upstairs and I didn't know that he got on his knees and he was praying. So I'm chatting to these guys offering him a cake and as they were about to leave they said to me, you know, do you have any idea where the water runs from?

through the bakery and I said no I've got no idea but I said I don't know if my husband knows he might know because he said you know we could drill if you knew if you thought you knew we could drill and maybe find the leak for you and I was thinking and I said well how much would that cost and he said well we'll just charge you you know a bit a quid or we won't bother charging you anything so I went upstairs and got Dave he came down and I think you talk to them a bit more about where you thought it could be.

Yeah, we had an idea where the mains came in through the back, through the front and then where it went from into the back where the sinks were and we sort of roughly guessed where it could be and then they said okay we'll take care of it. And they drilled and obviously, they drilled through concrete they found the leak and it was two pipes that were

connected really old pipes and that's where the water was leaking. They went into their van and sealed it with something, didn't they? Like a plastic sealant. Yeah, they did put a plastic, they took out the corroded joint that was leaking. They replaced that with a plastic intersection, didn't they? So it connected everything. And so in the future, it wouldn't leak. Yeah. And I think it took them not more than 15 minutes.

Dave gave them some money to thank them and all we had to do was get somebody in to cement it and cover it up, a professional person. But we were just totally amazed because we had a big situation, we had no idea how we were going to handle it, we didn't have the money, we weren't expecting these sub-contractors because they weren't council people, didn't know they were coming and actually...

you know, the fact that Dave had been upstairs on his knees praying about something, asking God to take care of it, and he took care of it. I mean, we were just totally and utterly amazed because when we contacted the water board and said, we've sorted it, they were pretty stunned themselves. Number one, that we'd found where the leak was because they didn't know, and these were professional people that had come in to have a look.

and they had no idea where the leak was. So, it was amazing. We still remember, we remember all our testimonies. I think we remembered them all. There are so many of them. I just remembered one where you're talking about that and when you're talking about doughnuts. We'll leave that for another time. Yeah, I mean, it's what we talked about in our Saturday conversations recently that you fear that you're going to be crippled financially because professional people are telling you one thing and you're thinking, well,

I'm going to lift it to God. He'll take care of it. He'll supersede what you're telling me because he's our heavenly father. We're his sons. He wants to take care of us. He will take care of us within his will and he will take care of us as long as we are doing the things he called us to do. Yes, we had a bakery and we were working for ourselves, but we ran a Christian fellowship above the bakery in the lounge because we lived above the bakery. So our lounge was where we held our Christian fellowships.

and we were also connected to a local church. So it wasn't a case of God help me, help me. I'm doing nothing for you, but you still have to help me. No, God took care of us because we were doing the things that he's called us to do. And the fact that it just didn't cost, hardly cost us anything. I think I gave him a hundred pounds. Yeah. But the thing was, it was, the thing that was so amazing about it is it would be never something we would think about how to deal with it. You know.

It's like you're asking God to help you in a situation. You have no idea how that's going to be sorted because you can only go by your senses. And that's what's so amazing that you didn't expect it. And that's what faith is, isn't it? Faith. You can't see what the answer is, but if you step out in believing, the answer's there. These two guys hung around outside the shop, brought them in, and talked to them. I was praying to God to take care of the situation and look, he took care of it. I have no idea how that would...

resolve itself, you know, whether it would cost us thousands and we didn't have that money, but God sorted it out, you know, he put, I don't know, he put it on their heart to take care of us, didn't he? And they took care of us. Great. And they did such a great job and we never had a problem with that, that leak ever again. No. But look what we did, we looked to God for the answer and that's the key in any life situation that you face. Don't fear it.

You know, you're filled with the Holy Spirit, look to God, you're connected to Him, look to Him for the answers, and these testimonies will prove to you that if you do look to God for the answers, He will answer whatever situation you're in. He will take care of you as long as you're within His will and you're doing the things He called you to do. And that's just one of the things that we always remember of that situation, how it just came out of nowhere. These guys took care of it, but we were looking to Him.

to resolve the situation for us and he did that. So we hope while sharing these testimonies with you on our Blazing Apostles video podcast, which you'll find on YouTube, on our YouTube channel, Back to Basics: Christian Living, that they inspire you, motivate, bless you, they encourage you for you to walk out in faith. And if you are faced with a situation that seems overwhelming, that you can't see an answer to, then look to him and he will take care of you. So.

God bless and we will be with you on the next one. We might not be in such a beautiful location as Keswick near the lakeside. Hopefully. We're starting to boil because it's so hot. Yeah. The flies are a bit itchy. Yeah, but we'll see you next time wherever we are and we'll give you another wonderful testimony of how God can take care of you if you look to him. So my name is Dave. And my name's Elaine. I'm married, Dave.

You are, and this is Blazing Apostles. God bless!

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